
Showing posts from April, 2023

First project:AI War

prepared by : Yeab jinghong  Microsoft vs Google   So what's Ai war? most people probably thinking about robot shooting againt each other. but it actually about the war between Google and Microsft. it all start with this new AI call Chat gpt that reach 100 million user within a week.   what is Chat gpt?   To make it simple it a Chatbot that able to generate text for user. that it……. sound uncool yash? but guess what the text that it respond back to us is something that beyond our expected or knowledge. it able to  perform various task such as answering quesstions , summarization ,  write a code and alots more   Google mistake  After chat gpt went viral Google rush to announced bard to compete against chat gpt but there was a mistake after bard Ai tweet demostrates it own inacurracy that made alphabet share price drops 8%   Microsoft bing   The day after the announcement Microsft   respawned by  releaseing a new bing that like a google but it have chat gpt build in side to comepete